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Information for Psychotherapy Clients of Andrews & Associates

Listed here are some of the policies regarding the therapeutic relationship between you and Andrews & Associates.  This information was first presented as part of the intake form you completed at your first session.  Feel free to print this page for your information.  Also, please call your therapist if you have any questions regarding any of these policies.

Thanks for the opportunity to be of service to you!


Click here to access new client paperwork that you can download, complete, and bring to your first session. You can also review our current Notice of Privacy Practices.


Information concerning your treatment is treated according to the laws of the State of Kansas and the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). You can view our Privacy Policy by clicking here.

Data may be collected from you or about your treatment to be used for professional research purposes.  The purpose of this research is to increase the quality of services you and other clients receive.  Information from any one client is combined with information from other clients, for example, the number of sessions participated in by clients seeking marital therapy.  In all cases, information that could identify any client specifically is never used in research.

Your therapist may have occasion to use case information when writing or speaking about therapy.  In most cases such examples are actually a compilation of the therapist's experience and not from a specific case.  In any event, information that could identify any client specifically is never used in this context.


Sessions not attended but not cancelled or rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance are billed at the regular session rate.  Remember that the time for your session is set aside specifically for you and late cancellation or not showing up for an appointment keeps your therapist from scheduling someone else in your time slot.  Thanks for being responsible for calling ahead of time if you need to make a change in your appointment.


Therapy services are provided at fee rates associated with the services provided and the length of the session.  A typical session is 45 minutes in length but can vary from 30 to 60 minutes. A discounted fee is available for therapy if you pay at the time of service (meaning no billing to you, your insurance, or another payer).  This discounted fee is generally $95. Fees for psychological examinations, written reports, court testimony, custody evaluations, and other services differ from the fees quoted above. Please ask your therapist for more information if you will need these services.  All fees are subject to change.  Check with your therapist about fees and updates.

Fees for services are considered due at the time services are rendered, unless payment arrangements are made in advance.  Unpaid balances on billed amounts are subject to a charge of 1.5% each month (18% per year).

For information regarding the use of medical insurance to pay for mental health services, see our Insurance Issues page.